Jerry’s Trailer

Jerry’s trailer sat alone in the high desert, tethered on a half-acre plot ringed by a pig-wire fence. Native plants pushed against the fence like an inland sea. Bitterbrush, rabbitbrush, and sagebrush had grown like coral against a ceaseless tide of wind and sun, slowly rising up as a collective able to withstand the blasts … Read moreJerry’s Trailer

The Sweeter They Fall

Janice and Jenny had pistols strapped to their chests, each with silencers. Formerly employed by drug cartels in Central America, they traveled the world murdering gangsters, politicians, and bankers “You know, in England, they call those crisps,” Jenny said. Janice and Jenny rode side by side on the ski lift.  Janice was finishing a bag … Read moreThe Sweeter They Fall

Falling Far From the Tree

George and Merrick made their way down a narrow, poorly lit staircase. “This looks promising,” Merrick said. “Nothing like a dank basement for quality finds,” George replied. Worming their way through an estate sale at a hundred-year-old house, George and Merrick hoped to find some treasures. The owners who built it lived there until it … Read moreFalling Far From the Tree

Dreams Come True

Tammy had been casing the park bench for days. She’d linger in the woods or behind some bushes, careful to remain concealed. Her mission was to receive a thumb drive from a Russian agent who worked for a group of businessmen. The drive contained insider information about Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook that could be … Read moreDreams Come True

When Justice Prevails

King Edward improved the lives of his people by keeping the villages safe from marauding thieves, maintained peace with nearby nations, and promoted farming advances that not only increased the land’s yield but planned for storage of food and firewood throughout the winter. The people loved King Edward and the King loved his people. He … Read moreWhen Justice Prevails

A Mother’s Love

The truck carrying Jeff hit a corner too fast, causing his would-be coffin to slam against the side of the pickup bed. The impact woke him. He was in the dark, inside what felt like a cardboard box and rattling around like loose change in a cement mixer. The truck left the pavement and turned … Read moreA Mother’s Love

Special Ingredients

The cow calmly chewed its cud as Morris removed the window from its stomach. The cow lived with many others in a university research lab where new and better food supplements for cattle were developed. This was cow thirty-seven, and like all the other cows she had a portal installed on her side connecting one … Read moreSpecial Ingredients

Fake It Until You Make It Off The Playground

The marbles had been stolen. Despite questioning from his teacher that implied he had misplaced the marbles Jimmy held his ground. He was the victim of a crime. He had won the marbles fair and square, and somebody had swiped them from the coat closet and he was sure it was Peter. Because Peter was … Read moreFake It Until You Make It Off The Playground

Boom Town Lady

Christmas lights wrapped the trunks and limbs of every tree on Mary’s street in lockstep precision. The Homeowners’ Association wielded their will with an iron mitten, promising large fines to anyone not following the strict Decorations Code. One of many Association Bylaw documents, the Decorations Code detailed a list of expected and forbidden holiday decorations, … Read moreBoom Town Lady

Pineapple Fruitcake

Golden juice was dribbling from the back of the rental truck, leaving a sticky-sweet trail for miles. Time was running out. The truck wasn’t refrigerated and the countless pineapples stuffed inside were rapidly softening and turning to juice. Frank tried to drive at night when it was cooler, and during the day park the truck … Read morePineapple Fruitcake