The Never Lost in Translation Department

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From the “Common American Phrasebook for Intelligencer Personnel,” issued to Soviet agents targeting U.S. citizens, recovered when the drunken girlfriend of a low-ranking Soviet Embassy diplomat dropped a diplomatic satchel on the airport tarmac and high winds scattered the documents, later recovered by the FBI.

[*translated from Russian] “Americans speak in confusing phrases they call aphorisms, also known as wise words. The words mean little and used in order to say something when nothing needs said. Americans speak often, say very little, yet there is some wisdom in these phrases you can use.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you

*A bitten hand only feeds you once

Barking dogs seldom bite

*If barking dog does is ineffective

Allow the dog to bite

Blood is thicker than water

*Blood is more slippery than water

You can’t get toothpaste back in the tube

*You cannot unbreak an arm

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

*You cannot unbreak an arm*

Haste makes waste

*Go with caution

failure follows imprecision

Here today gone tomorrow

*Every day remind hostages

Their lives are in your hands

Keep your head above water

*Do not fully submerge the head

Or waterboarding will fail

No pain no gain

*No pain no gain

You can’t fit a round peg in a square hole

*Square peg in round hole

Very effective

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

*Loved ones make excellent leverage

A chain is only as strong as the weakest link

*If you fail you will be killed

If you can’t beat them, join them

*Beat them

If you play with fire, you will get burned

Fire will burn*

Where here’s smoke, there’s fire

*Fire will burn

Squeaky wheel gets the grease

*Your complaining will be noted

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