The Belly of the Whale

Oil lamps flickered inside the Whale’s Teat filling it with dim, orange light. Black curls of smoke mixed with the peppery haze from pipes, cigars, and rolled cigarettes. A brown halo ringed the spittoons marking the patrons’ poor aim. A sour potpourri of sawdust, beer, and manure covered the floor. Every night dock workers filled … Read moreThe Belly of the Whale

Looking for Mr. Goodbones

Oil lamps flickered near doorways, on tables and around the bar. The damp cedar sawdust on floor had a sweet and sour quality to it as it mixed with spilled beer, spit, and manure tracking in from the street. The blubber that once insulated great sea creatures now gave a squat lamp an orange flame … Read moreLooking for Mr. Goodbones