Chocolate Cake

Skuen and his younger brother Kadir stood near the end of a hundred-foot-long wall of peat blocks. With L-shaped spades, they cut out neat bricks of peat, looking like rich chocolate cake, and stacked them to dry in the wind. They worked the bogs year-round, with little change to their day other than the amount … Read moreChocolate Cake

Dreams Come True

Tammy had been casing the park bench for days. She’d linger in the woods or behind some bushes, careful to remain concealed. Her mission was to receive a thumb drive from a Russian agent who worked for a group of businessmen. The drive contained insider information about Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook that could be … Read moreDreams Come True

The Puzzling Lobsterman

Clarence was nearing one of the bright green plastic buoys that marked his lobster pots. The rights to lobstering in the bay had been in his family since before his grandfather’s day. Now retired, Clarence rowed out to the pots every other day or so, depending on the weather. He had lost his tolerance for … Read moreThe Puzzling Lobsterman

The Ungrateful Child

Sarah wanted her son to be called Jonathan or John, but never Johnny. She reinforced the idea often, correcting anyone who tried to emasculate her pending baby boy. When asked why this was so important to her, she would say that she was raising a man, not a child. Little did she know that she … Read moreThe Ungrateful Child