Sense Defense

Henry was known

For his smelling

A nose above most

He was telling

The difference between


Or shaved coconut


With an olfactory

Beyond measure

And satisfactorily

Giving pleasure

To ladies and men

Within his ken

As a perfumer whose scents

Were without precedence.

A grassy meadow in June

Barnacled boats neath the moon

A bagpipe’s sweet funk

Or wine bottles half drunk

Henry always found the tells

And notes within the smells

To catch the essence

Or the quintessence

And even putrescence

Of the smell at hand

Be it moth-eaten or grand.

But his daily life

Was suffused with strife

Since Henry’s nose

Could never close

And no matter how much

Sweet smelling stuff

He applied

Fumes from the city


Him peace without pity.

Thus Henry The Nose


To dodge olfactory blows

With a gas mask carapace

To cover his nose and face

And securely erase

Any trace

Of stinks both foul and strong

Or otherwise wrong.

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