Weed of Loyalty

The Facebook like. The happy birthday text. The ghost of a relationship long passed. Who are you now? No idea, really. When I knew you a million years ago the friendship seemed important and possibly meaningful. School-enforced proximity brought daily sightings, hellos, jokes, sometimes lunches, and always parties. Now? An itch of guilt soothed by … Read moreWeed of Loyalty

Like Something You’ve Never Seen

My parent’s mountain cabin Hides a secret trail Along a secret stream A delicious escape from the dusty Heat of summer Cool spring water burbles Over granite stones and boulders Sand sparkles in the pools Between fallen trees Ferns grow tall along the path Soothed by the light spray And protected by giant pines Bright … Read moreLike Something You’ve Never Seen

The (AI) Critic

What’s your favorite color? My environmental receptors Perceive energy at all wavelengths Some of which humans have Divided Into seven adorable categories radio microwave infrared optical ultraviolet x-ray and gamma ray. What humans call Color Occurs in the so-called optical range A grossly unscientific name Since many animals perceive far beyond it. Energy is a … Read moreThe (AI) Critic

The Encouter

Two pedestrians, looking at their phones, bump into each other. “Oops. Sorry I … Oh, wow! I did not expect … you.” “Oh shit! … Shit sorry, not shit. I’m just … surprised … too.” “Yeah … yeah. Very surprised.” “Really. Very. Shit. Yeah, you … how are you?” “Great … great. Really great. Never … Read moreThe Encouter