Bones and Bears

Trent was fumbling with his keys as he tried to unlock the door to his apartment. The paint around the keyhole was scratched away from years of similar struggles. “Focus,” he said to himself. He closed his eyes and took a long, slow breath but became dizzy and fell against the wall in the narrow … Read moreBones and Bears

The Opposite of Enlightenment

Like most social media trends kangarooing seemed to come from nowhere. Suddenly videos of people doing it were unavoidable. Facebook was clogged with photos of children and adults participating in the trend. Ubiquitous news coverage warned of kangarooing dangers with examples of how it had gone wrong. “A forty-five year old man in Tulsa while … Read moreThe Opposite of Enlightenment

Stone Soup

The porridge in the kettle bubbled like a weak fart and smelled nearly as bad. Everard poked at it with a stick, hungry but not hungry enough to scoop out a portion of the glop that endlessly cooked over the hearth. All day every day bits of food and water were added to the bottomless … Read moreStone Soup

The Puzzling Lobsterman

Clarence was nearing one of the bright green plastic buoys that marked his lobster pots. The rights to lobstering in the bay had been in his family since before his grandfather’s day. Now retired, Clarence rowed out to the pots every other day or so, depending on the weather. He had lost his tolerance for … Read moreThe Puzzling Lobsterman