Like Something You’ve Never Seen

body of water across forest
Photo by Manuela Adler on

My parent’s mountain cabin

Hides a secret trail

Along a secret stream

A delicious escape from the dusty

Heat of summer

Cool spring water burbles

Over granite stones and boulders

Sand sparkles in the pools

Between fallen trees

Ferns grow tall along the path

Soothed by the light spray

And protected by giant pines

Bright green moss like

Fluorescent icing

Covers every surface

The trail leads up the mountain

Maintained by deer

And elk and coyotes

And rabbits and mice

And every other woodland

Creature we almost never see

At night the dusty heat gives way

To the cool breeze

Flowing down the mountain

Even entering my attic bedroom

In one window

And out the other

The secret stream still murmuring

In the darkest night

You’ve never seen.

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