Not of Heaven Nor of Earth

Laverne stepped onto a milk crate, in front of a hand-painted poster of old men and women tossing away their canes; wavy-haired men flexing their muscles; trim-waisted women admiring their jewels; and apple-cheeked children scoring touchdowns. Laverne followed the circus, setting up just outside the grounds, along with the other traveling salesmen. The poster hung … Read moreNot of Heaven Nor of Earth

Hide and Seek

Originally written  on 2/12/2011; rewritten and reposted 9/10/2017 Joel hadn’t had a good idea in some time. His blood-seeking wasps were rejected by the military. His cabbage-fueled car got excellent mileage but the odor of farts inside the car was overwhelming. His proposal for a three-legged horse, which he pointed out, would offer improved stability, … Read moreHide and Seek