The Savior’s Secret Sauce

All the waters were overflowing, Because of all the rain, Rivers swelled and jumped their banks, The dam—broken from the strain. The townsfolk gathered bundles, As the waters rose and rose, People headed for the higher ground, To escape the deadly flows. But as they hauled possessions, Up the ever-steeper land, If the rain kept … Read moreThe Savior’s Secret Sauce

Tigers of the Valley

Stories of loose tigers hiding in the Boise foothills had been circulating for decades. Much like the legend of Forrest Fenn’s mystery gold hidden somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, the story captured the public’s attention and slightly improved the economy of any burned-out mill and mining town in the region. Catering to modern gold-rushers, one-pump … Read moreTigers of the Valley

Slightly High

As a hairstylist, Ellen spent her days on her feet. The more hours, the better. Having downtime between clients meant she was losing money. She paid rent on a fifty square foot workstation in a prestigious salon. Years of standing in place, a sedentary after-work lifestyle, and habit of buying breakfast or lunch at nearby … Read moreSlightly High

Sweet Affliction

As Punter arrived for his shift, he saw his floor boss outside muttering to himself and smoking more aggressively than usual. “What’s up boss?” “That idiot upstairs. He doesn’t know molasses from his asshole.” Although haunted by the image his boss had conjured, Punter understood he was lamenting Augustus Zuckerstiefel Junior, the current president of … Read moreSweet Affliction

The Messiah and The Peanut

Ron’s birth was unlike any the midwives had seen before. His mother, Verdella, said the contractions felt more like firm hugs instead of bands of barbed wire roping around her abdomen. When the baby crowned, light burst from her vagina. As the birth went on the light grew brighter and brighter until the midwives were … Read moreThe Messiah and The Peanut

Playing Possum

Louise dragged an old roller luggage bag diagonally across a vacant lot scattered with chunks of crushed asphalt, the bag jerking and twisting as she went. She was unfazed by the jagged terrain poking into her thinly protected feet. Louise was mostly torso. She had no neck and pencil-thin limbs which gave her the appearance … Read morePlaying Possum

The Sweeter They Fall

Janice and Jenny had pistols strapped to their chests, each with silencers. Formerly employed by drug cartels in Central America, they traveled the world murdering gangsters, politicians, and bankers “You know, in England, they call those crisps,” Jenny said. Janice and Jenny rode side by side on the ski lift.  Janice was finishing a bag … Read moreThe Sweeter They Fall

Falling Far From the Tree

George and Merrick made their way down a narrow, poorly lit staircase. “This looks promising,” Merrick said. “Nothing like a dank basement for quality finds,” George replied. Worming their way through an estate sale at a hundred-year-old house, George and Merrick hoped to find some treasures. The owners who built it lived there until it … Read moreFalling Far From the Tree