Free Falling

“Just relax.” “I don’t want to relax.” “Injuries are worse if you’re tense.” “What injuries?” “Look, just try to relax and you’ll have a better time.” Andrew was trying to get calm his brother Chad before his first downhill long board ride. It was dawn at the top of Bogus Basin Road and the other … Read moreFree Falling

In the Valley of the Sun

Bill shook the lingering crumbs from his Cheetos bag, mostly missing his mouth. He was picking them out of his beard when someone approached his table. “Is that genuine?” “Yup. The real deal,” Bill replied, knocking the final day-glow orange crumbs from his lap. “Can I hold it?” “Only if you pay the deposit.” Bill … Read moreIn the Valley of the Sun

Making the Better Man

Bob Schuster had worked at Miller’s Jewelry since it opened in the seventies. At the time it opened, the strip mall was considered state-of-the art retail space. It devolved, as most have, into a jumble of judo studios, gun shops, dollar stores and other low-end retailers. Miller’s still had a large sign with a diamond … Read moreMaking the Better Man

Better Off Dog

Yuri sat at a metal desk too small for his body. His knees banged against the drawers, the lead paint failing where for decades kneecaps had met metal. To escape his desk, he had to scoot around one side. He was a large man, once considered strapping and athletic, but now droop-shouldered and fat. The … Read moreBetter Off Dog

Looking for Mr. Goodbones

Oil lamps flickered near doorways, on tables and around the bar. The damp cedar sawdust on floor had a sweet and sour quality to it as it mixed with spilled beer, spit, and manure tracking in from the street. The blubber that once insulated great sea creatures now gave a squat lamp an orange flame … Read moreLooking for Mr. Goodbones

It’s The Little Things

Kent and Reynold snuggled in the bulldozer, struggling to stay warm during the North Dakota winter. They were there for work in the shale oil fields, but couldn’t find any affordable housing. Workers rotated through the fields every six months, and any apartment, trailer, spare room, shack, basement or abandoned car had a long waiting … Read moreIt’s The Little Things

Eating Healthy

An avalanche of primary-colored balls bounced vigorously along multiple chutes emptying into a non-stop stream of shipping containers. The technology of these playthings gave them a never-ending happy shine and when held were firm like a racquetball. On impact they became soft and pliable, but would quickly firm up, and be ready again for play. … Read moreEating Healthy