The Encouter

Two pedestrians, looking at their phones, bump into each other.

“Oops. Sorry I … Oh, wow! I did not expect … you.”

“Oh shit! … Shit sorry, not shit. I’m just … surprised … too.”

“Yeah … yeah. Very surprised.”

“Really. Very. Shit. Yeah, you … how are you?”

“Great … great. Really great. Never better. Couldn’t really be … any …… great –er.”

“Good! Good for you! So … good. Shit. That’s really, I mean, good for you! So glad to hear it!”

“Thanks. I … thank you. And I– Oh my god! I’m sorry, I mean. How are you?”

“Fantastic! I mean, really good and just fan … tastic. Fuck. Oh fuck. Sorry! Sorry!”

“No worries. Ha ha! No worries at all. Heh … So, are you still with … ?

“Yep. Yep. Yes I am. I most certainly am. Yes. Ah fuck. Sorry! And you’re …?

“With, well, you know, the uh … well, ha, golly. And yours is going ..?”

“Fantastic!  I mean …. Fuck. I mean good. Really very good. Yep. And you and ..?

“Are very, very good! Really, really good.”

The two stood looking at each other, nodding and smiling.

“I have to … but great seeing you!”

“Me too. I mean I have to … also. Shit. I mean … I have to go. And  …. great to see you too.”

“Absolutely! So … I’ll see you around. I will … I’ll see you around.”

“All around the town! Goddamnit. Ha! Sorry! Yeah. I’ll see you around! Too.”

They backed away from one another, forced smiles, and quickly returned their phones and down the sidewalk.

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