Progress in a Fashion

Andrew wiped off his hooves, considering himself in the floor-length, bathroom mirror. “Perhaps some antlers, for balance. Reindeer could work.” Andrew implanted horse hoof stem cells where his feet had been. Some replaced fingernails with talons, others chose bear fur head-to-toe. Alligator skin for some, fly eyes for a few, many chose prehensile tails or … Read moreProgress in a Fashion

Another One Bites the Dust

Cloth in hand, Donnie cleaned every bottle and lamp. He spent his days at thrift stores, dusting the shelves of discarded bric-a-brac. Clerks nodded hello and left him alone. Born into an uneasy home, Donnie’s differentness increased the strain. His father looked for someone to blame, noticed his wife, and never came home. For decades, … Read moreAnother One Bites the Dust