Why Did The Man Cross the Line?

Ned and Barry looked out over Ned’s backyard as the Fall leaves gradually twirled to the ground. “Why are robots replacing humans?” Ned asked. “Because they don’t get tired or sick, they don’t have kids or spouses, they don’t need insurance … the list goes on and on,” Barry replied. “So, if you could make … Read moreWhy Did The Man Cross the Line?

To Bee Or Not To Bee

Roger was having a difficult time keeping the sweat out of his eyes. The helmet he wore to give his drone commands blew cool air across his scalp but it wasn’t enough. He worried the sweat would short something and the mission would fail like so many others. “Focus,” he told himself. “Be the bee.” … Read moreTo Bee Or Not To Bee

A Trick of the Limelight

Finster Drummand was nodding off. He was on stage, awaiting the cue for his line. The so-called star of the show Edelle Priceworthy was droning on as she had for three hundred consecutive nights. A pretty face and ample bosom could unfortunately go far in this world. Finster had been in the theatre most of … Read moreA Trick of the Limelight

Wild Things and a Pure Heart

The name Everlasting Coals was emblazoned on Denton’s fleet of service vans. The vans were wrapped in vinyl decals portraying hot embers in a fireplace. The vans looked like they were made of molten metal, but were supposed to represent a cozy hearth. Denton’s company installed and repaired fireplaces, and the name was consistent with … Read moreWild Things and a Pure Heart