Special Ingredients

The cow calmly chewed its cud as Morris removed the window from its stomach. The cow lived with many others in a university research lab where new and better food supplements for cattle were developed. This was cow thirty-seven, and like all the other cows she had a portal installed on her side connecting one … Read moreSpecial Ingredients

Fake It Until You Make It Off The Playground

The marbles had been stolen. Despite questioning from his teacher that implied he had misplaced the marbles Jimmy held his ground. He was the victim of a crime. He had won the marbles fair and square, and somebody had swiped them from the coat closet and he was sure it was Peter. Because Peter was … Read moreFake It Until You Make It Off The Playground

The New You

Tony pushed back against the headrest, the dry leather upholstery creaking slightly from the pressure. He’d been driving for hours and was restless. He’d rolled the window up and down, talked to himself, fiddled with the radio but the stations quickly fuzzed into static. He thought of stopping to stretch his legs but didn’t want … Read moreThe New You

The Ungrateful Child

Sarah wanted her son to be called Jonathan or John, but never Johnny. She reinforced the idea often, correcting anyone who tried to emasculate her pending baby boy. When asked why this was so important to her, she would say that she was raising a man, not a child. Little did she know that she … Read moreThe Ungrateful Child